Saturday, June 09, 2007

Carnegie Pics

Just a few, because really, you're not supposed to take pictures inside Carnegie. But I wanted to prove I was there, on the stage. So I did it sans flash. The rest are from after the concert with my "fan club."
Dude, I'm totally ON the Carnegie stage!!

This would be my crazy awesome Park Slope Singers organizing some sort of something-or-other to make a statement. Clearly I was paying attention. Funny story about how there were lots of asian tourists taking pictures of us while we were doing this, as well as our professional group picture. I think they thought we were important. And (no lie) a couple people took pictures trying to be "in" our shoot, like the wife would take a picture of the husband standing discreetly far enough away from us that we "woudln't notice" but he was still "with us" in the shot. God's honest truth.

My family and Bob and Cathy! Yay!

My lovely New Yorkers and the lovely flowers they bought me.

Ahhhh Carnegie. :)

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