Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Roommate Thinks I'm a Whore

A few nights ago my roommate (who as of today is no longer my roommate, *tear*) and I had the following conversation:

Me: So I'm invited to TWO Sex and the City parties this weekend with the movie coming out but don't think I can go to either because of our move. But for one you have to dress up like one of the characters. I'm not sure who I should be.

Kathy: Who are you thinking?
Me: Probably Charlotte.
Kathy: Yea, but I don't think you're like her...
Me: Yea, but I LOOK most like her... Wait, but who do you think I'm most like then?
Kathy (after a pregnant pause and much consideration): I don't want to tell you what I think.

Me: No, you have to.
Kathy: Yeah but you'll be mad.
Me: Um, no, just tell me.
Kathy: Samantha.


Me: Um.... ok... would you mind explaining your rationale?
Kathy (laughing): Well, clearly because you sleep around.

Me (laughing): Ok now I KNOW you're lying.
Kathy: No seriously, you are the type of person who is totally fine with anything and everything, and very comfortable with yourself and around all kinds of people and situations, which is exactly like Samantha.
Me: Woh... that's deep. I mean, you actually THOUGHT about that, huh?
Kathy: Oh yeah, I'm deep.

Reason #98 why I love Kathy.

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