Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Snow Days in NYC and Romania

I know all you Northeast folk are SICK AND TIRED of snow. I feel ya. I'm ready for spring too. Fo' sho'. But since I don't live in NYC right now and therefore I didn't have to actually deal with life in multiple feet of snow, it was all fine and dandy for me. And you know what was awesome? That I got to have a snow day WITH MY FRIENDS. Because of the apartment of four lovely ladies with whom I was staying ZERO went into work. Yep, that's right, ZERO. So we had a grand old time. I did "have" to go out to meet a dear friend for tea, but I can't complain because the second I got to her apartment I peeled off my wet clothes and put on sweats. Tough life. 

In any event, here are a few pictures I took during my four block walk from apartment to subway...

And oh wait, winter followed me back to Romania! It (winter, that is) was really confused for awhile, because I snuck quietly out of America (no vomit!), so it took awhile to track me down. In the meantime, spring tried desperately to creep in, and my first few days back in Romania were pleasant 48-52 degree days. Then for good measure I went away to the mountains of Romania, hoping to continue to avoid Winter's Last Stand. But as winter does, it found me and trounced back in, dashing my hopes for an early spring. Something along the lines of this:

But yet again, I was able to simply sit inside and admire the beauty from a distance. Until I had to walk outside to get into a car to go to the train station. And until I got back to the mucky mess of Iasi. But let's just pretend that part didn't happen. I like the rest of the story better. So we'll leave it at that.

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