Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Feels like zero

Yep, that's right. It feels like ZERO outside right now folks. Let's do a little recap about how I ran in shorts and a tshirt OUTSIDE a mere 3 days ago... So when I got off the subway tonight, kind of on the fence about going to the gym, and felt the biting wind hit my face and considered the thought of re-entering that after going into my cozy apartment, I bet you can imagine what I decided about the gym. In other news, I stuck a pork tenderloin in the crock pot this morning that was marinated in a barbecue sauce of sorts. It has now cooked for approximately 12 hours and is basically flaky pork goodness. Uh-may-zing.
Because I've been slacking on the pictures lately, and because one year ago at this time I was in fact on Spring Break in the Dominican Republic, I would just like to give everyone a little inspiration in this (hopefully) last stretch of winter cold.

Remember when I missed how simple my life was a year ago? Oh, and just for good time's sake, and because my parents aaaand my roommate are in Florida on their respective vacations, here's a little domestic family beach fun.

Now my question is, do family vacations continue to be paid for by the parentals once the kids have their own lives (read: income)? Well, my brother is still in college, so I think I may be safe for now... afterall, my aunts still gave me Christmas money this past year for that very reason. Sahweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

children want freedom, away from parents..so vacations at their expense would be a NO!